You can easily replace your own Toshiba laptop keyboard. It is actually an easy procedure and the tools needed are most likely already in your home. To begin, get a flathead screwdriver, a Phillips-head screwdriver, a small cup or container, your Toshiba laptop, and a replacement keyboard. This guide can be used to replace the keyboard on any Toshiba model.
The first thing you need to do is turn off your laptop. Next, remove the power cords and any connected devices that may be attached, such as a printer, external drives, or usb devices. Also, remove the battery from the laptop. Your goal here is to make sure there is no power flowing to the laptop.
Make sure that you have everything you need to replace the keyboard right in front of you. You don't want to generate a static charge by moving around too much during this procedure. Next, touch an unpainted metal object to ground yourself and avoid damaging your motherboard. Take your flathead screwdriver and insert it underneath the laptop's frame which is over the keyboard. Lift it slightly until you can pull it away with your hands. With your Phillips-head screwdriver, remove all the screws that are attached to the keyboard. Place the screws into the cup.
Pull the keyboard up towards you and then place it face down. Take note that there is a cable connected to the keyboard and the motherboard. To release the flat cable, pull out the tabs at the port. You can now gently pull the cable out and remove the keyboard.
Take your Toshiba laptop keyboard and place its cable into the port in the motherboard. Then, put the new keyboard on top of the motherboard. Get the screws that are in your cup and secure the keyboard to the laptop. Then, click the laptop's frame into place. Replace your battery and the power cords and turn on the laptop. When you are prompted for your password, enter it with your new keyboard. If you can type your password, then you have successfully removed and replaced your Toshiba laptop keyboard.

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